The Detmold Child: A 6,500-Year-Old Peruvian Child Mummy Wrapped in Linen with an Amulet Buried Around Its Neck

Over 6,500 years ago in the ancient lands of Peru, a poignant tale unfolded as a tiny baby’s fragile battle for survival drew to a close. This infant, aged merely…

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A 3,000-year-old relic shows the spaceship arriving at the location of a potential ancient astronaut.

The most famous 3000-year-old spaceship-looking item indicating the ancient aliens’ existence on Earth is without a doubt the most famous 3000-year-old spaceship-looking relic unearthed in Turkey in 1973. Zecharia Sitchin was the one who found the object. …

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Discovering the Tomb of a Strong Woman Who Might Have Ruled 5,000 Years Ago: Recovering Egypt’s Lost Female “King”

The Recent Discovery of 5,000-Year-Old Wine in an Ancient Egyptian Tomb Sparks a Remarkable Theory Archaeologists working at a burial site in Abydos, central Egypt, have stumbled upon a surprising possibility. They speculate that this tomb might be the …

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An Indian national makes a historic discovery by discovering the largest gold treasure ever discovered in Yamashita.

A Remote Community Threatened by Treasure Hunters in Search of Alleged WWII Japanese Gold in the Philippines Treasure hunters scouring the Philippines for gold treasures supposedly hidden by Japanese generals from World War II are posing a threat to a …

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