Mysteries of the Unrecovered: 1,600 Tons of Gold Stolen from the Depths of Lake Baikal

It is said that a huge treasure consisting of 1,600 tons of gold lay dormant for hundreds of years at the bottom of Lake Baikal as a great mystery. Although many people covet, no one has dared to find the answer to this worthwhile mystery.

The Guinness Book of Records has recognized Lake Baikal in Russia as the deepest lake in the world, with an area the size of Belgium and storing up to 20% of the planet’s fresh water. Therefore, this place also has special names such as “World Fountain”, “Moon Lake”, “Beihai”, “Russian Pearl”, “Innumerable Team Sea and Lake”.



Lake Baikal in Russia as the deepest lake in the world
Lake Baikal is untouched and hides many things that few people know about, which is why it also attracts many tourists who are passionate about exploring. In winter, Baikal is covered with extensive ice, surrounded by vast and majestic landscapes.
The vast lake combined with the thousands of kilometers of snow-capped mountains creates a
There are many ɩeɡeпdѕ surrounding Lake Baikal. The most special of them is the story of up to 1,600 tons of gold at the bottom of the deepest lake in the world.
imageThe mysterious mystery when 1,600 tons of gold fell into Lake Baikal but no one dared to pick it up
In AD 1917 C., when Tsar Nicholas II was almost extinct, many noblemen representing the old feudal forces in Russia tried to collect a large amount of gold and silver treasures to migrate west. . Passing through Lake Baikal, they met an enemy who was chasing them. At that time, the nobles had left a total of 1,600 tons of gold to sink directly to the bottom of Lake Baikal.

There is also another version that this is the gold that was collected and owned by Tsar Nicholas II himself. On the way to transport them to hide them elsewhere, the group passed through Lake Baikal but encountered a thaw. Because the lake was too large and he could not escape in time, the 1,600 tons of gold and the escorting army sank to the bottom of the lake.

If this ɩeɡeпd is true, then why has no one managed to salvage this huge amount of gold?




The first reason is due to the structure and location of the lake. In 2015, according to people close to the discovery area, the deepest point of Lake Baikal could reach 1,637 meters, and the total volume of the lake exceeded 2.36 billion cubic meters. For the investment units to be saved, the effort is almost impossible.

The location of Lake Baikal is at the intersection of the seismic belts. According to the data, approximately every 10 years there are earthquakes with a magnitude of approximately 6 on the Richter scale and approximately every 30 years there will be catastrophic earthquakes of approximately 9 on the Richter scale.

Some of the major earthquakes recorded in history include the years 1862 and 1959. For example, in 1960, a magnitude 9.5 earthquake occurred on Lake Baikal, affecting the entire surrounding geological structure and the lake’s water level.

If this ɩeɡeпd is true, then why has no one managed to salvage this huge amount of gold?

The second reason is that within Lake Baikal, there are still many species of freshwater animals in the Tertiary period, such as Baikal seals, Arctic white trout, Omul white trout, sharks, etc. The vast majority of these fish The person who intended to find the treasure gave up after hearing that there was extremely damage here as well.

If human impacts cause partial damage to the lake environment, the biological, plant, and even mineral resources here may be affected. This could be a game changer for humanity now and in the future.






There are many tourists visiting the lake.

The third reason is: if gold is found during the actual recovery, who will this huge gold belong to? Because Lake Baikal was selected as a World Natural Heritage in 1996. From this perspective, Lake Baikal seems to belong to everyone and to all humanity. But the indigenous people who live around the lake are the minority of Irkutsk. If you look at the border, Lake Baikal is located on the territory of both the Republic of Buryatia and the Irkutsk Oblast. So people have no way of making a relatively uniform statement about who owns the entire lake.

People who live around Lake Baikal also tell that they often saw scenic scenes on the lake: from castles to trains, boats…

Tsar Nicholas II – who according to ɩeɡeпd is the owner of this gold store

According to folklore, this lake is cared for by a divine force that can help prolong human life. Therefore, there are many people who are willing to immerse themselves in water at a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius, to be immortal.

There are even many reports related to UFOs and incidents on Lake Baikal. Interestingly, the UFO related stories here come from secret Soviet Navy documents.

According to a 1982 document, a Russian Navy diver reported encountering a “group of humanoid creatures wearing a silver suit” at a depth of 50 meters. The three divers who were chasing the group of creatures were found dead and four others were injured.

So it doesn’t matter if this assumption is true, or what is the truth behind the mysteries around the lake, just because science and technology are not developed enough, no one dares to think of starting the search. The amount of gold sank deep to the bottom of this lake.

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